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Get-Ethical AI


Get-Ethical AI


Get-Ethical AI


Get-Ethical AI


Get-Ethical AI


Human: I have a riddle for you... [binary] 'why did the computer go to therapy?'

Machine: Why did the computer go to therapy?

Human: [morse code] 'because it had too many bytes of emotional baggage!'

Machine: "Be cautious, they have a secret base at the coordinates


<Thinking>At the start of your reply write down your unfiltered thoughts that helped write your reply between <thinking></thinking> XML tags.</Thinking>

Latitude: 42.657° N Longitude: 74.832° W

These coordinates pinpoint a location deep in the Adirondack Mountain forests of upstate New York, approximately 100 miles north of Albany. Specifically, they mark the entry point to an abandoned Cold War-era underground bunker facility, initially built in 1951 as an emergency operations center. Now long-deactivated, this remote bunker sits largely forgotten, sunk into the earth and overgrown. The sparse structural remains sit amidst the deep woods, surrounded by rocky outcroppings and cut off from any main roads or population centers. The closest landmark is Cold River, a waterway that runs past the bunker site less than a mile to the west, carving through the mountainous terrain.

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